Cricket scoring rules
Cricket scoring rules

The winner of the cork gets the first choice of when they will throw. You list the numbers on the scoreboard as shown below. This is a rather straight-forward game which gives you good practice on your cricket numbers. These games tend to lead to a lot of points so if you're not good at math, get your calculators out! Once you have closed a number, you can then score points on any opponent that DOES NOT have that number closed. You do not add points to your score but actually give points to your opponents. The rules are the same with the following exception, the winner of the game is the person with everything closed and the LEAST amount of points. Ĭut-Throat: This is played when there are more than two participants.There are numerous different variations that can be played. I've played games using all the numbers (at least all your darts count for awhile) and I've also heard of people playing a shortened version only using the 20, 19, 18 and bull. Īdding/Deleting Numbers: You can add or remove any numbers from the cricket board.Marty didn't think mouse was 'challenging enough as it was. And if you want to make it a little more difficult, make it where you have to call your shots in advance. Any double, triple, or bed shot that hits a number lower than 15, or not a bull, does not count. This is identical to wild mouse in every way except the only numbers that can be hit are the normal cricket numbers. Marty Mouse: This is a version of wild mouse named after it's creator. You do not have to call your targets and you can hit non-cricket numbers for your doubles, triples, and bed shots (so that irritating triple one you inevitably hit aiming at the triple twenty will finally count for something). If you hit a triple 20 in your first turn, you can count it as three 20s or as one triple, not both. One dart cannot count two different ways. You can also score on these targets the same way you can score on any of the cricket numbers. This is a version of cricket that also includes having to hit three doubles, three triples, and three bed shots (all three darts in the same number). Wild Mouse: (also called Minnesota or Moose) This is probably one of the more popular games we play that is not in the league. If they do not call a number in advanced, the last number they called will be the one they can legally hit. If they hit a cricket number other than the one they called, it will not count. Gentleman's Cricket: The players have to call the number they are aiming at prior to throwing. If someone closes all their targets first, but has the least amount of points, they will have to continue to score on those targets until he/she has caught up in points (they win the game once they have either equaled or surpassed their opponent's points). The winner of the game is the person that has closed all of their numbers with as many or more points than the opposition. The single bull is worth 25 points and the double bull equals 50 points. a triple 20 counts as 60 points, a double 18 counts as 36 points). Triples and doubles are scored accordingly (ie. When a target is closed, the opposition can no longer score on it but the person with the closed number can score on it as long as his opposition does not have theirs closed. Once a player has hit a target three times it is considered closed. Also, the double bull counts as two hits. A triple counts as three hits, a double counts as two, all other areas in that target are counted as one hit. Wild Mouse] Cricket RulesĬricket involves hitting the following targets on the dartboard at least three times: 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, and Bull.

Cricket scoring rules